Go to http://dbrand.com/ghost to get your Ghost Case 2.0! For a limited time, get $10 off, no coupon required Fans are great! They keep your computer cool, they spin real fast, and they're also LOUD. Luckily, Ventiva has created a new cooling solution that promises to keep your PC running fast without the loud noise of a piece of plastic spinning thousands of times a minute using 5000 volts and a teeny tiny wire. Want us to unbox something? Make a suggestion at https://lmg.gg/7s34e ► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com ► GET A VPN: https://www.piavpn.com/ShortCircuit ► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane ► SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNERS: https://lmg.gg/partners CHAPTERS --------------------------------------------------- 0:00 This isn't your mama's Dell 0:30 How 5000v cools your laptop 3:07 But why do you want this? 3:56 How do you power it? 5:02 Sponsor - dbrand 5:50 Wait, it's toxic? 6:57 What about dust? 7:51 Upgradability/price estimates 8:49 Overall thoughts 9:58 Outro